вторник, 19 февраля 2013 г.

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© 2007-2013 UzDaily.com. All rights reserved.Registration Certificate of Uzbekistan Press and Information Agency No. 0601 from 28 October 2009.

Publication Date:31 October 2009 15:28

The action is available for all tariff plans with pre-paid system till 19 December 2009 and it is not spread to short numbers of information and entertainment services. The subscription fee is US$0.15 and daily subscription fee is US$0.15.

SMS Non-Stop opens season on New Year surprises of Beeline. The terms of services allow our subscribers not to think about number of send SMS and enjoy free communication.вІ

Oraz Abdurazakov, Senior Communications Manager of Unitel, commented: вІ

1000 Bonus SMS at subscription to Hit tariff plan

Subscribing to the action, the subscribers of Beeline will receive 150 local SMS a day. SMS will be written off in following order at those subscribers, who subscribed to several actions and services:

Single communication operator Beeline (Unitel LLC and Buzton JV LLC) launched a new action вІ

Tashkent, Uzbekistan (UzDaily.com) --

Beeline launches new action вІ

UzDaily.com: Beeline launches new action вІ

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